We have changed our name but not who we are
We are still the same church whose focus is
To know and love Jesus
To know and love each other
To serve and share the Good News
Vision Statement for Beacon Covenant Church
At Beacon Covenant church, we are a family of faith, seeking to grow more Christ-like each day, boldly going as Christ’s heart and hands in joyful adventure into our community.
We are a congregation that reflects Christ’s light and love. We follow Christ through biblical teaching and meaningful fellowship.
We honor the resilient witness of past generations and cherish our bonds of affection for the church worldwide.
We love and accept each person as worthy and made in God’s image.
By faith, we worship in joyous song, word, and action.
Please join us for Worship
9:30 every Sunday morning
Sunday School for PK-5th occurs after the children’s message in worship (extended time available until 11:30), Middle School Through Adults meet after worship from 10:45-11:30.
Check out our YouTube for all of our services and Facebook
Check out the calendar for more ways to connect with us
Praying for our Search Committee
Praying for the Pastoral Search Committee
Our Church Profile has now been posted on CovConnect! We are excited to at this critical phase in the process; discerning the Holy Spirit’s leading regarding each candidate we consider, and the candidates’ own discerning of the Holy Spirit’s leading in their ministry. During this time, please pray daily for the Search committee and for the candidates themselves (the Lord knows who they are!).
Services at Beacon Covenant are casual and open to everyone, no matter where you are on the faith journey.
Our community is welcoming and family-oriented.
We worship at 9:30am.
Sunday School for PK-5th grade
(children dismissed after children’s message)
Middle School/ High School and Adult Sunday School meets at 10:45-11:30
Extended care is offered for PK-5th grade until 11:30am
Nursery care is available from 9:30-11:30
We celebrate the sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of every month.