Learning to Pray
Many of us struggle to pray—it seems like it should be simple, but it’s not. Yet we can learn from the example of the disciples.
Back in the spring our adult Sunday School walked through this series. It was eye opening and we hope you enjoy it as well. It was produced by our denomination. Each lesson includes a video, Biblical references, questions to ponder and a call to action.
Watch for these sessions on the second Thursday of the month
One would think that is should be easy to pray after all it is just having a conversation with God!! Oh yes the Almighty God who was and is and is to come. That can be overwhelming and scary too! What if you ask for the wrong thing or even worse what if His answer is something you don’t want to do.
The disciples were worried too and thankfully the turned to Christ and asked him to teach them to pray.
written by CLAY PECK is the founding/ lead pastor of Grace Place in Berthoud, Colorado.
The disciples watched Jesus pray and listened to him pray, and they wanted to learn to pray. Let’s follow their example.
A. I Will Realize That I Am Helpless 1. John 5:19 2. John 15:5. It is hard to give up control but it is easier when we trust that person
B. I Will Make Time for Prayer 1. Mark 1:35 - We need to put God on our schedule and not try to fit Him in.
C. I Will Become Like a Child 1. Matthew 18:1-5 2. Luke 10:21 3. Just as a child trusts their parent we need to believe that He has our best interest in mind Traits of children: frank, bold, honest, trusting, abrupt, messy, expectant, playful
D. I Will Grow in My Love for Jesus 1. Revelation 2:4-5 2. Revelation 3:20. This is strange but we need to concentrate more on God and less on prayer
E. I Will Put My Full Trust in the Lord 1. Matthew 17:20-21 2. God is sovereign. 3. God is loving. 4. God is all-wise. 5. God is patient. He will only take us down the right path he will not lead us astray
Study Questions
1. Which of the five “struggles” with prayer do you relate to?
2. Is it hard to admit you are helpless? Why or why not?
3. What causes distraction in your life?
4. What does it mean to you to become childlike?
5. Do you struggle with believing that a sovereign God is interested in the details of your life?
6. In what tangible ways might you increase your love for Jesus?
Spiritual Practice Take a 10-minute walk and prayerfully ask God to show you tangible ways that you might increase your love for him. Afterward, write down what came to mind as you walked.
You can watch the video here