Wendi bosland
Wendi Bosland wears many hats in her life and church community. She is a beloved wife, daughter, sister, the mother of four amazing children, one fur baby and a flock of hens. She is a teacher at Little Blessings and a strong force for our children and family ministry. She loves listening and dancing to music while doing chores around the house.
As the new school year starts and to celebrate the upcoming World Teacher’s Day (10/5/2023), it’s perfect timing to celebrate our very own teacher and sister-in-Christ, Wendi Bosland. Here is an interview we did from VBS week.
Q: What was your spiritual journey like? Is there a pivot moment?
A: I was always a seeker and enjoyed attending the churches & temples that my friends attended. The mystery and ritual of worship always drew me in and kept me coming back for more. I distinctly remembered when my first child was born, gazing down at her in my arms and realizing, "I had nothing to do with this. She is a gift from God." The beauty of faith is that you never have to have it all figured out. And you can rest in His word, feel His love through fellowship, and know that the Spirit will guide you to serve others.
Q: How long have you been attending ECC Attleboro? What role(s) have you been serving?
A: 14 years. I served in many roles at ECC Attleboro over the years, such as Children's Church Coordinator, VBS volunteer, Nominating Committee, CE Board Chair, Sunday School teacher, Nursery Coordinator, Reader, Usher, Greeter, and volunteer for Youth Group events.
Q: How long have you been working at Little Blessings? What is your role?
A: This will be my third year with LB. I have been a teacher’s assistant and this year I will be the lead teacher for the Kindergarten class!
(Yea. Congratulations!)
Q: What is your favorite part of working at Little Blessings?
A: Seeing the wonder of the world through children's eyes. Being at LB is like being in Mr. Roger’s (Daniel Tiger's) neighborhood every day - In the words of Fred Rogers, "There's no person in the whole world like you and I like you just the way you are." Everyone at LB is kind and makes you feel it's OK just to be you!
Q: What keeps you going and serving God's children?
A: Sharing God's stories, and fellowship through serving and worshiping with my church family help me to "know" God. I want others to have the opportunity to "know" God too!
Q: What Bible verse has helped you the most when facing challenges and difficulties?
A: So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
A fun question: If you were stuck on an island, what three things would you bring?
A: Something to hear music with, my dog and "The Complete Short Stories" of Mark Twain.